Results from the CYC Spring Classic Taekwondo Tournament held in Concord on April 20th

Dear KMAC Family,

We just want to share with you all how our KMAC Team performed at the CYC Spring Classic that was held in Concord!

-KMAC Staff


CYC Concord Taekwondo Tournament – 4/20/24

NameBelt ColorForms ResultsSparring Results
Anson W.Green/WhiteGoldGold
Brian H. YellowGoldGold
Caden C. GreenBronzeBronze
Chloe K. Red/BlackBronzeGold
David A.Black/RedN/ASilver
Elise Z. YellowGoldGold
Elliot M. YellowGoldBronze
Enakshi S. YellowSilverSilver
Ethan L.BlueGoldSilver
Gordan K.Green/WhiteSilverN/A
Hilary W.YellowGoldBronze
Jeremy L.YellowGoldGold
Kaitlyn Y.Red/BlackSilverSilver
Kelly N.BlueGoldGold
Logan D.Red/BlackGoldGold
Logan J.GreenGoldBronze
Louis Y.GreenSilverSilver
Lucas J.YellowSilverGold
Omar K. RedBronzeGold
Rafieh K.BlackSilverGold
Samantha L. BlueGoldGold
Stephanie L.Red/WhiteSilverBronze
Zeus Y. GreenSilverSilver