KMAC will be closed Saturday Apr. 10th for the CYC Spring Tournament – Saturday Outdoor Classes will be held the next day, Sunday Apr. 11th!!

Dear KMAC Family,

Just a reminder that KMAC will be CLOSED on Saturday, April 10th, 2021 to attend the CYC Spring 2021 No-Contact Tournament in Concord.

ALL Outdoor Classes scheduled for Saturday, April 10th will be held the next day, Sunday, April 11th at their regular times.

If you’re interested in participating in the CYC Spring No-Contact Tournament in Concord please speak to Grand Master Jung as soon as possible!

Thank you for your support, understanding, and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns either in person or by phone at (415) 333-1050!

Stay safe, and healthy!

KMAC Staff


2021 Spring poster