August 1st (Saturday) 11AM to 12:30PM – Outdoor Workshop at Aptos Park (Updated Hours!)

Dear KMAC Family;

Subjects: -Be sure you read everything on this post!
-Hours changed
-Requirements to participate in this workshop
-Hoodies/T-shirts TBO?

1) It is imperative that you must read posts from week to week. Whereas, we will be operating on a week to week basis and things can change. i.e., cancellation of class, time schedule and preparation needed for the class.

2) As the weather gets better in these Summer months we will move the schedule earlier. TBA weekly!

3) The class has now entered into Black Belt Level training with the (JO) Staff. If you are a color belt, no worries if there is an interest.  You do need to purchase a JO from GM Jung. It must be one of our equipment or this will not work for numerous of reasons.

4) Hoodies/T-shirt order! No guarantee but if you will put money in an envelope with your name on it, size. And only if we have enough volume to push this order through.  ($50. Hoodies/$21. T-shirts.) Money will be reimbursed if we can not meet the demand.

We take weekly group photos of the team and to be viewed on BAND. Must get the BAND APP! And pass SBN Sandy Lee your email address to get in. We thank all the parents for taking those pictures to share. Special thanks to Kay L. for advising and settling the BAND for our KMAC Team.

To preserve our KMAC school once the Covid19 situation defuses. We need contributions to sustain the occurring expenses that are generating now. Please, there is a denotation of ($20.00) for each training session from everyone. We thank SBN, Sandy Lee and her brother Master Sonny Jung for continuous leadership to the TINY TIGER CLASS! And all the parents that are so supportive in bringing your child to the practice. There is evidence of growth.

Please do not forget our new time changed to 11:00am-12:30pm. And as always if you sick stay home, temperature check in is mandatory, mask worn is mandatory and because we are outside with plenty of space so stay at least 10+ from each other.

Stay Healthy and Safe!
GM Jung